STEM Cadre Wraps Up Final Year Furthering STEM Education in Indiana

The Indiana STEM Cadre, an initiative from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) focused on bringing best practices in integrated STEM learning to Indiana schools, has wrapped up its second and final year. This year the project funded STEM instructional coaches in 19 elementary and middle schools across the state, along with ongoing professional development, curriculum resources, and mentorship for Cadre coaches.
Led by Five Star Professional Development, the initiative focused on integrating STEM skills and practices across all subject areas and on increasing student access to innovative, engaging, and rigorous learning experiences.
“This year was full of successes in our building, and the Cadre had a massive hand in that.
Our teachers felt the confidence to break away from tradition and build/design/create
new ways to bring teaching and learning to life.”
-Michael Gilliam, a STEM Cadre coach at East Washington Middle School in New Pekin
The project’s focus on furthering Indiana’s Priorities for STEM Education and on implementing the new Integrated STEM Standards was put into action by Cadre schools as they adopted inquiry-based learning frameworks such as 5E, the Engineering Design Process, and Argument Driven Inquiry. The project also focused on developing student skills such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. Teachers in Cadre schools participated in intensive instructional coaching and professional development that gave them the tools to implement these innovative practices.
During the school year 2023-2024 alone, coaches across the Cadre engaged with teachers and leaders in their schools nearly 3,000 times to co-plan, co-teach, goal set, and analyze data.
“Because of STEM coaching, teachers have engaged in more STEM training than ever before.
Teachers of all grades are incorporating STEM into their classrooms, and students
are collaborating with each other more than ever.”
- Wynsda’ Watson, STEM Cadre Coach at Indiana Math and Science Academy North in Indianapolis
Through work with the Center of Excellence in the Leadership of Learning (CELL) at the University of Indianapolis, the Cadre also partnered with leaders in higher education by hosting a series of forums for faculty from educator preparation programs from across Indiana. These forums focused on ways for faculty to grow their focus on integrated STEM best practices in their programs and created a space for brainstorming and collaboration around STEM in teacher preparation programs.
Learn more about Five Star STEM Integration offerings here.